Cultivating Your Spiritual Life & Creative Work

Do you want a deeper life of cultivating
your relationship with God and your creative work?
In this new Grove mini-course, you'll be inspired to discover and learn...
One of the most simplest ways to start cultivating your spiritual life right away.
The importance of integrating your deepest dreams and desires with daily creative disciplines.
Why cultivating your craft leads to greater skill, proficiency and satisfaction in your art.
How developing signficant relationships removes you from isolation and develops creative community.
Cultivating Your Spiritual Life & Creative Work includes...
A 38 minute Grove mini-course with Grove Founder, Joey O'Connor.
A Free PDF Course Outline.
Access to 2 Recommended Books
A FREE 50% Off Coupon good for any Grove Online Course.
A free Grove Online Account for all your free Grove resources and online courses.
Access to Grove Comments here you can post your comments, ideas and feedback. This is a great way to get a conversation going with other artists!
Free updates from The Grove...discounts, upcoming artist events, and more free resources.
To get started now, click the green Purchase Offer button.
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The Grove Center for the Arts & Media is a Southern California 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is cultivating the spiritual life and creative work of artists. Please visit us at