How to Shift from Perfectionism into Creative Freedom

by Erik Peterson

One of the biggest ways we sabotage ourselves as creatives is allowing our negative inner dialogue to dictate how we show up and what we carry into the process of art-making. 

If perfectionism has prevented you from creating in the way you desire, take heart. I think we all wrestle with this to varying degrees. The good...

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Embracing Who You Are as an Artist

by Erik Peterson

I have a question for you... which is more important - what you do as an artist or who you are as an artist?

Ok, that’s an easy one, so the singular question remains…

Who are you as an artist?


Our Limited View of Ourselves

The issue of identity is one of the most crucial...

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What to do When You Feel Discouraged About Your Art

by Erik Peterson

You are not alone in this thing called discouragement, 

Or frustration, or confusion, and doubt about your creative endeavors.

We are artists, so we must know 

That this is part of the journey. Part of being in the club.

But still, how long do you want to sit in the mud? 

It doesn’t need to last too long.


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Small Actions Lead to Big Results

by Erik Peterson

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on a creative project, or struggling to initiate a desired change in your life?   

I know I have, too many times to count. Through learning about different strategies for personal change, along with many failures and successes, there is one approach and mindset that I...

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