Meet My Friend, Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was a Trappist Monk. He was one of the greatest poets, writers, mystics and intellectual minds of the 20th Century.  

Merton offers you perfect words for these perilous you and I might live as children of light . . . as the sons and daughters of God. 

If we have the Spirit of God in our hearts, we will always live by His law of charity, inclined always to peace rather than dissension, to humility rather than arrogance, to obedience rather than rebellion, to purity and temperance, to simplicity and quietness and calm, to strength, generosity, and wisdom, to prudence and all-embracing justice, and we will love others more than ourselves, for it is the commandment of Jesus that we should love one another as He has loved us (John 15:12).

None of these things can be done without prayer, and we must turn to prayer first of all, not only to discover God's will but above all to gain the grace to carry it out with all the strength of our desire.

Pure Intention, Pg. 21. No Man is an Island by Thomas Merton (Available on Amazon)

Question: What is your response to Merton's words?

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