Why Better Questions Lead to Better Art and Deeper Connections

by Erik Peterson

Whether you are with others, with God, or with yourself and your art, asking better questions can become a transformational practice and way of seeing the world.

Asking good questions is an art form in and of itself, and one that we can cultivate to enhance our art-making and our relationships.

  • When you are with others,...
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Why Your Art Is Essential

By Erik Peterson

Life is a journey, and so is your art. 

As an artist, the two are forever intertwined and bound together. As St. Paul might say, this is a profound mystery! Your art is a journey to discover more of the life you want to live, and more of God’s life that wants to live in you.  

If you think back on your life and...

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You Are God's Masterpiece

By Erik Peterson

I just spent some time praying, asking, “God, what do you want me to write about?  What do you want for this community of artists?”  These are questions I intend to keep asking, especially before creating. I know I have certain ideas, but what are my ideas when compared to God’s, whose ways are...

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Do You Know the Deepest Truth of Who You Are?

During the early days of The Grove, I wrote a book called The Longing: Embracing the Deepest Truth of Who You Are. The book emerged from "deep" inside of me during a 10 year battle with chronic pain and the resulting anxiety.

The Longing is about spiritual identity and embracing at our core what it truly means to live as a son or...

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