What's Your Bold Vision for Your Art?

by Erik Peterson

Recently Mandy and I have been re-watching all the original Star Wars movies. Every time I watch these films, I am struck by the bold vision of George Lucas.

Despite overwhelming odds (all but one studio turned down the project), and a process that took five years to finely tune and complete the script, Lucas ended up creating a...

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Pursue Your Creative Calling

by Erik Peterson

Is there a creative project you have been putting off and, despite your best efforts, can’t seem to make progress on? You’re not alone, most of us start out with a lot of inspiration, and even may take some powerful strides in the direction of our dreams…

But inevitably, life happens.

We get derailed, lose...

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Creating in Community

by Erik Peterson

This is a 3-part series exploring the journey of wholeness in our lives as we follow Jesus. In Part 1 (Spiritual Life) we saw how God desires to use every aspect of our lives (mind, body, emotions, relationships, work, art, play, finances) to grow us to become more like Him. In Part 2 (Creative Work) we explored 7 essential...

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